and AnalysisAccording to Criminologist
Lawrence Sherman, PhD, “All human services face the
tension between craft and science, between wisdom of
experienced practitioners and the science that often
contradicts that wisdom.� The same tendency toward
management by wisdom is being rooted out of the
commercial sector by modern data management tools
and techniques. The federal sector is following
suit, but has significant catching up to do, as
explored in our recent
white paper. The federal sector is unique in
that each agency has similarities that can be
leveraged without the competitive sensitivities that
exist in commercial sectors. Our consultants have
broad exposure across many civilian and defense
agencies with the experience to appreciate their
Examples of our recent experience:
Performed ethnographic studies of users to
identify and address software usability issues for a
cyber security incident management system for the
Department of Homeland Security.
Conducted focus groups, surveys, case studies,
site visits and interviews to determine the current
policies related to sexual violence, emerging
surveillance technology and facility design to
recommend binding policies and procedures for the
Department of Justice.
Benchmarked facility management technology,
process and organizational approaches from six
agencies to make transformative recommendations to a
client agency with operational difficulties.